I see the examples of an old saying, the willing house gets the whip, all the time. Employees, who are capable, resourceful and reliable, get the heaviest load in the team. And when suddenly they leave the company, the team leader just scratches their head: but they were always so happy to help!?
When I just started my career as a lawyer many years ago (it feels like a different life now), the partner in the firm gave me advice: Say yes to every case that is coming your way; you can't build a solid career by being picky. Good thing I never was good at following other people's advice.
Why do people say yes even if they know they shouldn't?
🔹 They got the same advice I did and believed in it,
🔹 Having a reputation as "the go to guy" is addictive (feel-good hormones get released when we feel important)
🔹 We tend to overestimate our abilities (and pay dearly for it down the road)
It is very convenient and reassuring to have someone on the team that the leader can always rely on, but it's actually a very short-sighted leadership.
â›” Employees, who are very good at something, are not always big fans of these tasks, and giving it to them, again and again, causes anxiety and burnout and pushes people to leave.
â›” It's very discouraging for other team members not to get a chance to grow, learn something new and take on additional responsibilities.
â›” It looks like leader shows their trust, but in reality, they basically punish the "willing horse" by making them work more and more and reinforcing the "slackers' negative behaviour" because they get to enjoy their freedom.
So, next time before saying, "I know how busy you are, but you are my only hope", answer this question: is it the right way to lead my team or is it just the easy way out?