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Cooking Up Collaboration: The Secret Sauce to Workplace Success (No, It's Not Just Another Potluck!
Who doesn’t like a good holiday’s office potluck. It’s a wonderful opportunity to abandon the boring lunch from home for a tasty and...

From Fury to Focus: The STOP Technique for Managing Aggression
Last year, I observed a horrific situation. I was in line to pay for my groceries when I heard screaming from another cash register. A...

First-Time Leaders: Expectations vs Reality
If you are yourself a first-time leader or plan to promote one of your star performers to a leadership position, this article is for you....

Middle Manager Syndrome
You probably heard about the once famous “Middle Child Syndrome,” which refers to the challenges middle children face with their parents...

Being An Introvert In the Extroverted World
A few days ago, I had a conversation with a bright and driven young woman who thought her shyness and reservedness were the barriers she...

Culture vs. Relationships?
Last week I asked a dozen HR professionals how they would describe organizational culture. Will you be surprised to hear that I got a...

Does Empathy Have A Place at Work?
Today I would like to share some thoughts about how to deal with these protective behaviours at work. Because we are talking about human...

How To Deal With Brilliant Jerks
Do you know someone very smart, talented and successful but incredibly irritating and hard to be around? These people have a name –...

Toxic Positivity
I always admired people who can stay positive no matter what and considered it a great skill to have. Apparently, it’s not always a good...

One More Time About Communication
Planning your every communication (verbal, written or any other type) sounds like a daunting and time-consuming task. On the other hand,...
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