Cooking Up Collaboration: The Secret Sauce to Workplace Success (No, It's Not Just Another Potluck!Nov 29, 2023
NOT TO DO List...We all know what TO DO list is. But did you know about NOT TO DO list? It’s a simple exercise that can help anyone to stay focused and...
You talk, I listen. Do we hear the same thing?Today I would like to talk about communication at the work place. During my years in the corporate world and while coaching my clients,...
Delegating? Do it right!Lately I hear the same statements again and again: work smarter, not harder; busy doesn’t mean productive; manage yourself better in a...
Talk to Your PeopleToday I would like to ask you: supervisors, department managers, companies’ leaders. When was the last time you spoke with each employee...
Start with ‘WHY?’How to make your plans for 2019 a reality and achieve your New Year’s resolutions is probably the most popular topic on LinkedIn these...
Playing out the Strengths instead of Battling the Weaknesses.I was born left-handed and no one had problem with it except my first-grade teacher. In her mind being a lefty was some sort of a...
Energy drainers. Find your own Patient ZeroIn every pandemic horror story, when the unknown disease threatens to wipe all of human kind from the face of the Earth there is always a...
Stillness doesn’t mean lack of progress and constant movement doesn’t always mean moving forward.I was enjoying my yoga class, when the instructor said something I probably always knew but never fully realised how important that is....
Good stress, bad stress. How to embrace the one and manage the other.Stress is often called a disease of 21st century. It blamed for heart problems, stroke and many more other medical conditions. Dozens, if...