Employees Retention Strategies
How to Attract the Right Person for the Right Job. What to look for during a resume screening and an interview process. The participants will learn a different perspective on behaviour during the hiring process and recognize the set of skills that are really needed and if the candidate has these skills or is able to develop them.
How do you Keep Employees Engaged? What motivates them? Participants will learn about different types of motivation, the pros and cons of each, and how to create and maintain an engaging and motivating workplace environment.
Letting Go. Letting the wrong person go sometimes might be the best retention strategy. Participants will learn how to recognize the wrong person, analyze the damaging effect, and make the firing process as less stressful as possible for all the parties involved.
Unlocking the Power of Employee Experience
In this 2-hour interactive workshop, participants will learn about:
The role employee experience plays in attracting and engaging employees, as well as financial results - different stages of employment (Interview & Hire, Onboarding, Experienced Employee, Exit) - how to maximize total employee value at every stage - creating actionable steps for designing an impactful employee experience through using physical space, technology and culture, so employees WANT to come and STAY.
Understanding of key elements of building an impactful onboarding program and gaining an awareness of key elements that impact employee performance at various stages of the employee journey.
Learning about tools that can be used to get employees involved in the process of creating employee experience - Learn about specific strategies for maximizing retention rates at every stage of the employee journey.
Be able to educate the executive team on the importance, value and financial impact of intentionally designed employee experience
Engagement & Performance in Hybrid & Remote Work Setting
Understanding why performance and engagement in remote and hybrid work settings require a different approach from the in-person work settings.
What leadership skills are essential for keeping high levels of engagement and performance in remote and hybrid work settings?
How to recognize and mitigate effects of cognitive biases in the remote and hybrid work environment.
Best practices from organizations that successfully transitioned to remote and hybrid work styles.
Effective Performance Reviews & Feedback
Understanding of positive outcomes of effective performance reviews and feedback and negative implications of the feedback done incorrectly.
Coaching for success vs. policing for failure approach to performance reviews and feedback.
Understanding why managers procrastinate giving feedback.
Learn tips and tools for making performance reviews and feedback conversations as pleasant as possible for managers and employees.
Performance reviews and feedback conversations in remote and hybrid work environments.