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Jenny Barkan, ACC 
Coach,  Facilitator, Speaker


I am passionate about helping people, I always was, even before I decided to become a coach, even before I knew what a coach was. But the more I learned about coaching, the better I understood that it’s not about me helping others.

It’s about the person's ability to help himself or herself, to rediscover the potential that has always been inside but got covered under the pile of everyday life challenges and routines.

I strongly believe that each one of us knows what is important and how to make our biggest dreams a reality; we just cannot always see it clearly, or we simply don’t know where to start.
I also believe that leaders play a crucial role in creating a healthy, engaging, motivating, and accommodating environment, no matter if they lead two or two thousand people. 
We spend long hours at work, therefore how we are being treated and how we feel about ourselves has a tremendous impact on all areas of our lives.
Thankfully, effective and emotionally intelligent leadership is a learned skill, and I can help you with developing or sharpening one.
Many years ago, Steve Jobs said: "The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do." 
I would like to think that I am one of them. Would you like to join me?

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Individual Coaching
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Corporate Coaching
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Don't be afraid to fail. Be afraid not to try.


What I'm Offering

Students with iPad
Leadership Coaching

A great leader - who is it? The person, who tells everybody what to do? The one, who uses his power to suppress any nonconformity? Or the one, who can inspire people around him, let them see the path through his eyes but...

Signing Contract
Personal Crisis

Crisis Management is often associated with large corporations, working on damage control after some business activity went wrong. But it’s known to everybody, there are no fewer crises in our private lives...

Group Bonding
Team Dynamics

Human beings are social creatures. Rare individuals do not belong to any group. During the day we are moving from families to workplaces, from subway stations to fitness classes, from small old friends’ gatherings to the huge...

Old Asian Man
Life Coaching

How many times you found yourself excited by a new idea or opportunity, thinking about it, making plans, and then… losing the focus, getting lost behind the small details, doubting your abilities to succeed.

My Happy Clients' Feedback


Rachel Shellborn

Software Development Manager

I was in a leadership training program facilitated by Jenny and had several coaching sessions with her. Before the first session, I was a little apprehensive about how the sessions would be and what I would learn, thinking it might be a little too fluffy for me. However, after the first session, I was pleasantly surprised about how engaging they were as she uses multiple formats when presenting information and she shares her personal perspective and her vast knowledge of leadership topics. During my coaching sessions, she always took an interest in what I was saying and provided insights that I hadn't thought about before which allowed me to look at things from another perspective. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Jenny in the leadership training and coaching sessions.

February 13, 2023


My goal is not to find the solutions for you, but to help you to find the solutions yourself!


Let's talk!

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